Oct 27, 2021

Recs from Racial Justice Group

Recommended resources from Avondale's Racial Healing Small Group.

A committed group of +/-15 members and friends of Avondale have met 3 times so far (as of Oct 12) in our pursuit for Racial Healing. As a predominately white congregation, we are working on our “stamina” in terms of discussing and unpacking our racial identity, history and conditioning. We are striving to listen, learn and care about the disparities our brothers and sisters of color face. It is sometimes uncomfortable and hard work, but incredibly important in the life of the church to commit to this effort. God sees and celebrates our differences, and so should we. If interested in an introduction to what we are studying, please read Racial Reconciliation Might Not Be What You Think It Is (7-9 minute read). https://www.missioalliance.org/racial-reconciliation-may-not-think/?fbclid=IwAR0bhVEsi31G40N-LxIpi1WyNzoIJWpUBNHu6TuR2-_7M3j0bXFTP3gImG0. Stay tuned for future opportunities to join the next group; possibly in the spring of 2022.
