Jun 28, 2022

Sacred Space Art

Updated: Jun 29, 2022


Sacred Space Art - Round Two of Being Back!! We are giving it a go with a class offering that had a great deal of interest in 2020. We have a plan and the dates for: “Stained Glass Mosaic Trays.”

· The class will be offered on three Saturdays in August/ September on the 8/6, 8/20 and 9/10. (We’ve scheduled these in a way to give you breaks for other summer weekend activities and to avoid Labor Day.)

· We will meet from 9-noon in either the Vanguard classroom or the art room at the end of the hall in the Sanctuary building. (More information to follow on this.)

· You will design/create/take home a glass mosaic tray… using unique imagery and learning the basic skills for creating mosaics.

· You will receive 9+ hours of instruction, choice of a tray from a selection, and the mosaic supplies for a $100 class fee.

· We will have some sample imagery, but please feel free to bring your own imagery ideas too, if you have something in mind.

Come chill with us and let your creativity flow. Invite a friend to join us, and contact Cheryl Judd-Magee to confirm your interest (cjuddmagee@gmail.com or 704-968-6066). We’d like to confirm the class numbers by August 1st, so sign-up early! Fees can be paid to the church office or on the first night of class by check. Call or email with questions or if you are considering participation, but need childcare.
