Jul 20, 2021

On Sunday Mornings...

Please take a moment to let us know your thoughts!

Volunteering on Sunday mornings is a great way to fellowship, meet new people and a critical piece of the puzzle in allowing us to have a successful and meaningful worship service!

Will you please complete a quick form to let us know your level of interest?
We need help with: Worship Set-Up, Greeters, Scripture Reader, and in the Nursery.

You can even answer "no" to possibly avoid being asked again. Sunday Volunteer Form

You can let us know....

_____I would love to help! You may add me to the rotation.

_____My summer is a bit busy but I can help this fall! Contact me to set a start date.

_____I am not feeling ready just yet. Feel free to check back in a few months.

_____I am not interested in serving in this position.

_____Other: _________________
