May 3, 2022

Men’s Whitewater Rafting Wkd

Avondale Men’s Whitewater Rafting Weekend

June 4-5, 2022

Gentlemen of Avondale:

On several occasions years ago, Avondale sponsored a whitewater rafting weekend for gentlemen of the church. Let’s plan a revival.

When? The first weekend in June. That’s June 4-5. We’d leave Avondale mid-morning on Saturday, arrive Saturday afternoon, feast and have vespers Saturday night, raft Sunday morning, and return to Charlotte on Sunday afternoon.

Where? The Lower New River in West Virginia. This is a challenging and fun river – good for experienced and beginning rafters. Our quarters would be a camp with spartan accommodations – a cabin with a roof and a cot.

Who? All gentlemen of Avondale age 12 and over.

How much? About $150. Scholarships are available.

When should I decide? Outfitters are allotted slots on the river, so when our outfitter’s slots are filled, they’re filled. We’re not the only group who may want to go. We need to have 8 commitments before making reservations.

Why? After a couple of years of being cooped up, let’s just have some fun and fellowship.

What’s next? If you’re interested, email Harry Greyard. Someone will be in touch within 48 hours.
