Many hands and hearts contribute to our Worship services. Warm smiles, helping hands, and joyous voices… all contributions make our gatherings possible. Can you pitch-in? Please consider signing-up to help monthly. SIGN-UP LINK
Opportunities to serve: Liturgy reader, Greeter, Setup, Lead Setup, and Nursery*.
Thank you for your commitment to Avondale and your faithfulness to Christ.
Liturgy reader: Read in our Worship service. All ages welcomed! 1 person each Sunday.
Greeters: Welcome Avondalers and guests with a warm smile, help with seating and provide information, if needed. 2 people for each Sunday.
Setup: Help setup our Worship space with chairs, tables… 3 people for each Sunday, 1 of which is the 'Lead' and knows the plan for the setup.
Lead Setup: Lead setup of our Worship space. 1 person each Sunday.
Nursery: Join our staff person in the Nursery to help care for the little ones during Worship and Sunday School. *Per our CYPP plan, two or more adults must be present. 1-2 people for each Sunday.