Nov 9, 2021

RITI News!

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

We were not the only church to wrestle with how to serve our homeless neighbors safely through Room In The Inn.....

Winter 2021-22: ROOM IN THE INN IS BACK

Thanks to all who gave feedback about participation with Room In The Inn. Your input helped us to come up with an innovative, collaborative model to serve our homeless neighbors this winter.

We were not the only church to wrestle with how to serve our homeless neighbors safely through Room In The Inn. Our neighbor churches, Holy Comforter, St. Luke’s Lutheran and Sedgefield Methodist have had the same concerns- limited volunteer capacity and resources, but a keen desire to serve.

Thanks to the leadership of Jim and the ministers of the neighboring churches, the four churches have worked together to participate in Room in the Inn- and give our homeless neighbors a warm place to stay. All guests twelve and over will be vaccinated. Masks are required except when eating or sleeping. Here’s the plan:

· Avondale will host neighbors on the first and third Sundays of every month from December through March, with volunteers from Avondale and Holy Comforter to host those evenings.

· St. Luke’s Lutheran will host neighbors at their church, with the help of Sedgefield Methodist volunteers, every second and fourth Sundays of each month.

· We will only house 8 guests each Sunday night.

· We are asking for volunteers to provide dinner. We hope you will serve dinner to our guests (rather than self-serve), but if you are not comfortable doing so, you can drop off the food and the overnight hosts will serve dinner to the guests.

· We will be giving our guests breakfast in a to-go bag as well as a bag lunch.

· We will need volunteers to set up and cleanup the linens.

· Hopefully we will have full sign ups, but if in a last minute bind, all four churches will work together to get sufficient coverage for volunteers.

The Mission Gathering Group is grateful to Jim for his collaborative leadership in bringing together faith partners to serve our homeless neighbors. We look forward to serving with our neighboring churches.

We are excited to have RITI back at Avondale. Please sign-up to help when the Sign-up Genius is posted! It's posted!


#RoomInTheInn #RITI #riticharlotte
