More about our...
75th Anniversary Main page:
Get involved: Lynn Wilkerson, Ministry Chair email
Email story/photos: 75thanniversary@avondalepresbychurch.org
or Betty Chambers email
Event information: Church Office 704-333-6194 or email
Who is invited?
Avondalers past and present, neighbors, family and friends are ALL invited to join in celebrations! See details of ALL our celebrations on our 75th main web page.
In honor of our 75th Anniversary, please consider a donation to Avondale.
General Fund / Sacred Garden / In Memory or In Honor Of
Youth Group / Children's Ministry
Easter Gifts / Feb - Mar
Opportunities to honor or remember loved ones at Easter time

Mar 15, 2018, 9:30 PM – Mar 26, 2018, 10:43 PM
Avondale Presbyterian Church, 2821 Park Rd, Charlotte, NC 28209, USA
Given to the Glory of God
Remembering loved ones who reside within the church triumphant is natural on Easter Day. This year, as with years past, there are opportunities to honor or remember loved ones by supporting a particular mission or project. The three directions for giving this year are the: Facilities Fund, Haiti Ministry, and GoodPasture Fund. On Easter Day, we will be receiving the larger denominational offering - One Great Hour of Sharing.
Given to the Glory of God
Remembering loved ones who reside within the church triumphant is natural on Easter Day. This year, as with years past, there are opportunities to honor or remember loved ones by supporting a particular mission or project. The three directions for giving this year
are the: Facilities Fund, Haiti Ministry, and GoodPasture Fund. On Easter Day, we will be receiving the larger denominational offering - One Great Hour of Sharing.