Worship Services In-Person & Online
Join Avondale in-person for Worship. Join us Sundays at 10 AM, either in-person in the Family Life Center or online on our YouTube channel. Our services will be broadcast at youtube.com/AvondalePresbyChurch
Enjoy lemonade following the service.
Please wear a face mask in Worship to help protect people who are unvaccinated, including children not eligible to be vaccinated, and those with health conditions.
Worship Bulletin
Our eWorship email will continue to be sent on Sundays for those joining us virtually. For those joining us in-person, the Order of Worship will be shared on the screen and on our website, if you’d like to view it via your smart device. Find the Worship Bulletin and announcements at www.avondalepresbychurch.org/bulletin.
Nursery & Children
All children are welcomed and encouraged to attend worship! (Mr. Chuck will be waiting and excited to pass out lollipops!) The nursery will be available for children 2 and under from 9:45 AM to 12:15 PM. This includes children of older ages with physical limitations that inhibit proper mask wearing. Early August, we plan to re-evaluate to allow for children 3 to 5 years old to attend the nursery if desired. All staff and volunteers working with the children are required to be fully vaccinated. A drop-off station will be set-up in the atrium of the children's Sunday School building to decrease any risk of gathering in the nursery room.
Sunday School
Sunday, August 29 - Sunday School class will resume for all age groups!
As of July 11, 2021 – Sunday School offerings include:
Bible 101
Bible 101 is back to meeting in-person on Sundays. However, we will continue to be available on Zoom, since that drew so many people during the pandemic. Each week we discuss a Bible passage, delving into the history, the context, and grappling with its meaning in our lives. We ask a lot of questions and operate under the wise words of our founder "no Sunday School answers." Our reading often comes from the lectionary, which follows the year in the life of God's church. But we veer away from that to engage other topics that our class feels called to
discuss. We're a community of all ages that wrestles with and rejoices in God's word. We welcome you to join us Sunday mornings at 11 AM in the conference room or online at Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/361205421. If you have questions, contact Lisa Worf.
Seekers Class will be back in session in-person at 11 AM after worship this Sunday, July 11. We welcome anyone to engage in a study focusing on "Daring to Trust God in New Beginnings," subtitled- "Finding Purpose in the Seasons of Our Life." We meet in the Library. Come enjoy fellowship, study and sharing our lives.
Leader for this study: Olivia Magee